Publication of papers
All authors who have registered and have their papers included in the Conference Program are invited to submit until 01.09.2025 the complete version of their papers in PDF format. The submission should consist of a document in English with a length ranging from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 16 pages.
Authors who have completed the registration process have the option to submit their papers for potential publication, subject to a review process, in one of the following journals:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
For your paper to be eligible for publication in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, it must align with at least one item from the scope of the journal. Failure to meet this criterion will result in automatic rejection of the paper. Details concerning the review process can be found on the IOPscience page.
The name of each author or co-author can appear on up to two papers.
Publication Fee is 100 GBP (British Pounds) for each paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Payment of the Publication Fee has to be settled through a bank transfer to an account provided directly to the corresponding author via email by the conference organizers.
If an author has If an author has multiple accepted papers, the Publication Fee must be paid for each individual paper.
The publication of a paper is contingent upon the verification of the payment of the Publication Fee.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) is abstracted in:
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index�Science (CPCI-S) (Clarivate, Web of Science)
- Chemical Abstracts Service
- Ei Compendex
- GeoRef
- Inspec
- J-Gate
- MathSciNet
- NASA Astrophysics Data System
- Naver Academic
- Scite
- Scopus
- WTI Frankfurt
- Yewno
- OCLC Worldcat
- EX Libris Primo
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- British Library Services
- Google Scholar
- Serial Solutions
The ISI Web of Science platform itself is split into two components: SCI (the Science Citation Index) and CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Proceedings journals appear within the CPCI. Under current policy, Clarivate (the owners of ISI Web of Science) do not calculate Impact Factors for proceedings journals.
Acta Technica Corviniensis
Opting to submit your paper for potential publication in the journal Acta Technica Corviniensis will result in the removal of your paper from the Morressier platform. Subsequently, it will be resubmitted to the Chief Editor of the journal Acta Technica Corviniensis.
The corresponding author of each submitted paper will be notified by e-mail about the decision and recommendation of the Chief Editor.
There is no fee associated with the publication of accepted papers in the Acta Technica Corviniensis.
Acta Technica Corviniensis – Bulletin of Engineering is abstracted in
- Index Copernicus
- Genamics JournalSeek
- Evisa
- Google Scholar
- Scirus
- ProQuest
- Chemical Abstract Service
- getCITED
- Electronic Journals Library
- WorldCat
Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara
Opting to submit your paper for potential publication in the journal Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara will result in the removal of your paper from the Morressier platform. Subsequently, it will be resubmitted to the Chief Editor of the journal Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara.
The corresponding author for each submitted paper will receive an email notification regarding the decision and recommendation of the Chief Editor.
There is no fee associated with the publication of accepted papers in the Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara.
Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara � International Journal of Engineering is abstracted in
- Index Copernicus
- Genamics JournalSeek
- Evisa
- Google Scholar
- Scirus
- ProQuest
- Chemical Abstract Service
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
- getCITED
- Electronic Journals Library
- CiteFactor
- Journal Directory
- WorldCat
Please download the:
Kindly establish an author account on the Morressier platform and upload your paper in PDF format, adhering to the provided template and submission deadline. Avoid submitting your paper via email to the organizers.
By submitting their papers for potential publication, authors consent to undergoing essential originality checks during the peer review and production processes. Engaging in practices such as reproducing text from other papers without appropriate attribution (plagiarism) or generating multiple papers with nearly identical content by the same authors (self-plagiarism) is not permissible, and such papers will be automatically rejected.